Usage Examples

Quick Example

A simple counter with two buttons to increment and decrement a value:

from pyiced import (
    Align, button, ButtonState, column, container, IcedApp, Length, text,

class ExampleApp(IcedApp):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__incr_button_state = ButtonState()
        self.__decr_button_state = ButtonState()
        self.__value = 0

    def title(self):
        return 'Counter'

    def view(self):
        increment_button = button(
            self.__incr_button_state,  # To track the state across redraws.
            text('Increment'),         # This is content on the button.
            on_press='incr',           # This value is received in update().
        value_label = text(f'{self.__value}', size=50)
        decrement_button = button(
        return container(
            padding=20, align_x=Align.CENTER, align_y=Align.CENTER,
            width=Length.FILL, height=Length.FILL,

    def update(self, msg, clipboard):
        # When an event occurs, this method is called.
        # It can optionally return a list of async functions,
        # to handle the event.
        match msg:
            case 'incr':
                self.__value += 1
            case 'decr':
                self.__value -= 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # This function only returns if there is an error on start-up.
    # Otherwise the program gets terminated when the window is closed.

Custom Styles

from pyiced import (
    Align, button, ButtonState, ButtonStyle, Color, container,
    ContainerStyle, IcedApp, Length, text,

class ButtonExample(IcedApp):
    class settings:
        class window:
            size = (640, 320)

    def __init__(self):
        self.__button_state = ButtonState()

    def title(self):
        return 'A Button'

    def view(self):
        styled_button = button(
            text('Hello, world!', size=40),
                shadow_offset=(8, 8), border_radius=40, border_width=6,
                background=Color(0.17, 0.17, 0.17),
                border_color=Color(0.95, 0.87, 0.22),
                text_color=Color(1.00, 0.18, 0.13)
        return container(
            style=ContainerStyle(background=Color(0.38, 0.60, 0.23)),
            padding=20, align_x=Align.CENTER, align_y=Align.CENTER,
            width=Length.FILL, height=Length.FILL,

if __name__ == '__main__':

Asychronous Messages

new() and update() can either return a Message (or a sequence of messages in the latter case), or a coroutine / coroutines to asynchronously generate a messages.

from asyncio import open_connection
from contextlib import closing

from pyiced import (
    Align, Color, container, ContainerStyle, Font, IcedApp, Length, text,

class AsyncMessageExample(IcedApp):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__font = None

    class settings:
        class window:
            size = (640, 320)

    def title(self):
        return 'Asynchronous Messages'

    def new(self):
        return [load_font()]

    def update(self, msg, clipboard):
        match msg:
            case ('Font', font):
                self.__font = font

    def view(self):
        return container(
            text('Hello, world!', size=80, font=self.__font),
                text_color=Color(0.95, 0.87, 0.22),
                background=Color(0.38, 0.60, 0.23),
            padding=20, align_x=Align.CENTER, align_y=Align.CENTER,
            width=Length.FILL, height=Length.FILL,

async def load_font():
    FONT_NAME = 'Yellowtail'
    FONT_HOST = ''
    FONT_PATH = '/s/16054/Yellowtail-Regular.ttf'

    query = (
        f"GET {FONT_PATH} HTTP/1.0\r\n"
        f"Host: {FONT_HOST}\r\n"
        f"Connection: closed\r\n"

    reader, writer = await open_connection(FONT_HOST, 443, ssl=True)
    with closing(writer):
        await writer.drain()
        while (await reader.readline()) != b'\r\n':

        data = await
    await writer.wait_closed()

    return ('Font', Font(FONT_NAME, data))

if __name__ == '__main__':

AsyncGenerator Generating Messages

An application can subscribe to AsyncGenerators to receive Messages about asynchronously generated information, e.g. a pending web download.

from asyncio import sleep

from pyiced import column, IcedApp, stream, text

class StreamExample(IcedApp):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__stream = stream(self.__generator_func())
        self.__index = 0

    class settings:
        class window:
            size = (640, 40)

    def title(self):
        return 'Stream Example'

    def view(self):
        return column([text(f'Index: {self.__index / 10:.1f}')])

    def subscriptions(self):
        if self.__stream is not None:
            return [self.__stream]

    def update(self, msg, clipboard):
        match msg:
            case 'done':
                self.__stream = None
            case int(index):
                self.__index = index

    async def __generator_func(self):
        for i in range(1, 101):
            yield i
            await sleep(0.1)
        yield 'done'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Capturing Keystrokes

To capture any keystoke (or indeed any event that original from user interaction), you can make pyiced.IcedApp.subscriptions() return a list [pyced.Subscription.UNCAPTURED].

from pyiced import (
    Align, container, Message, IcedApp, Length, Subscription, text,

class FullscreenExample(IcedApp):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__fullscreen = False
        self.__should_exit = False

    class settings:
        class window:
            size = (640, 320)

    def subscriptions(self):
        return [Subscription.UNCAPTURED]

    def fullscreen(self):
        return self.__fullscreen

    def should_exit(self):
        return self.__should_exit

    def title(self):
        return self.__message

    def update(self, msg, clipboard):
        match msg:
            case Message(keyboard='keyreleased', key_code='F11'):
                self.__fullscreen = not self.__fullscreen
            case Message(keyboard='keyreleased', key_code='Escape'):
                self.__should_exit = True

    def view(self):
        return container(
            text(self.__message, size=40),
            padding=20, align_x=Align.CENTER, align_y=Align.CENTER,
            width=Length.FILL, height=Length.FILL,

    def __message(self):
        if self.__fullscreen:
            return 'Fullscreen (press F11!)'
            return 'Windowed (press F11!)'

if __name__ == '__main__':